We Thank our Veterans for their Service and Sacrifice.
We Thank our Veterans for their Service and Sacrifice.
We know how important our community is and we want to give back. We are passionate about helping those in need, and in doing so, we are very proud to offer our Veteran Sponsorship Program. As a veteran myself, I want to continue to help my brothers and sisters in service. Purchase our 'Patriot Beef Bag' for a local veteran and his/her family.

Our Patriot Bag will be customized to fit the specific family's size and needs. You can purchase this bag by its self, without buying a bag of your own.

**Proceeds from this bag goes to the VFW Post 845 to help continuing  support to veterans**

Do you have a deserving family in mind, but cannot purchase the Patriot Bag? No worries! Email me and lets talk! Our purpose in this program is to help our military service men and women, and to thank them for their service and sacrifice.

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